Monday 19 January 2009

Emo Diary (Jose Maria)

16th January
I´m tyred, I´m tyred of people looking at me in a stange way, I´m tyred of people telling me I look weird. I´m tyred of the people.
Since I changed my "look" (that´s how they call it) on holidays, when I came back school, my friends don´t hang out as much as before with me anymore and when I talk to them they get really nervous, as if i was a sort of freak or something strange. I´m still me, but i decided to change my appearance because I wanted to be different the mass, different from me...
18th January
Yesterday was as boring and depressive as previous days. But today I met new people. People that are like, people who I can talk too, people which people look in a strange way too. They dress like me and act like me. They´re called "Emos".
19th January
It looks like things are starting to get better. Today I didnt sit by myself in class. I sat with Barbara, Jason, Mary and Paul. They´re the guys I met yesterday, they´re really nice and te girl, Mary, think she´s very pretty. I think I micht actually have found the ´group´I belong to.
21st January
Oh my God! It was amazing, I kissed mary at the cinema yesterday. I can´t wait to see her on Monday.
My parents are concerned that I spend much time in my bedroom, but they don´t understand I want to be away from the society.
23rd January
What is the point of life? What´s the point of life if you can´t change anything? What is the point of being alive if nobody hears you? What is the point of being alive if nobody hears you? What is the point of being alive if you lost all your friends? What is the point of life if the person you loved cheated on you with your best friend?...

Emo Diary (Raul)

May 14
Today was a different day. School was boring as usual, everyone ignored me & my friend juan since people around here can't . At the end of school day, I talked again with the girl I like. She is being more realistic about us & she started looking at us with different eyes. It's really good that she understands us now. I invited her to go out in the afternoon & she agreed. On the walk we saw a march of us (emos) walk by, I totally forgot about the march me & juan had been looking forward all week for it, well...
At the end of our walk we saw a group of of punks that told me they would be coming and searching for us. They said we should be scared. I really hope they didn't mean it, because I don't want anymore fights in this city. I don't like it when people get hurt.

Monday 12 January 2009


Emos are a urban tribe which have been on the news lately. They are very emo-tional (where their name comes from) & often wear black clothes topped off with the hair covering half of their face. Our personal opinion about emos is that they are very very sensitive & don´t show any violent reactions except for hurting themselves, which make people belive that they can treat them bad or discrimite them just because they will not fight back. Also, we think that the main problem is that because they go totally against culture or rules so noone can really understrand their thoughts or opinions excewpt for other Emos. Its not that we dont like them but we dont understand why they have such a strange behavour.