Monday 25 May 2009

The Destructors Review by Raul

The Destructors is a short story written by Graham Greene published in 1954. It tells the story of how a gang named "Wormsley Common Gang", destroys the last house surviving the WWII in a parking lot. Leaded by a boy called T, short for Thomas, destroy from the inside the house of Old Misery, who's actual name is mister Thomas.
The story is created by black humor. first revenging an attempt to "bribe" the gang by mister Thomas, the gang starts hitting his wall with a ball. Later the Gang is convinced by T, who has severe problems caused by the war, that it would be more fun to destroy his house from the inside. The actual story can be used to describe how damaged were the lives of young kids after a war. The jokes that are seen in the book are, in my point of view, were not funny but made me feel sympathetic with Mr Thomas, the book finishes with a lorry driver laughing at his misery.

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